SRV_httpd HTTP Interface - as of 23 March 2010

http://robot-ip:10001/index.html - load robot control script stored in flash sectors 10-11
http://robot-ip:10001/admin - upload new firmware and scripts to flash
http://robot-ip:10001/robot.jpg - capture and send new frame from camera (webcam interface)

http://robot-ip:10001/robot.cgi? - robot control functions:

/robot.cgi?$a_ - read SRV-4WD analog channel 0-7 (0=battery, 1=5v gyro, 2=3.3v gyro, 3=IR1, 4=IR2, 6=IR3, 7=IR4)
/robot.cgi?$e_ - read wheel encoder 1, 2, 3 or 4
/robot.cgi?$c - read SRV-NAV compass
/robot.cgi?$g - read SRV-NAV gps
/robot.cgi?$T_ - read SRV-NAV tilt sensor 1-3 (1=x, 2=y, 3=z)

/robot.cgi?V - version string
/robot.cgi?t - show time in millisecs since last reboot
/robot.cgi?$! - Blackfin reset

/robot.cgi?m____ - PWM motor control e.g. m5050 to stop both motors (range is 01 - 99, 50 = stop, 01 = max rev, 99 = max fwd)
/robot.cgi?x____ - SRV-4WD motor control, e.g. x5050 to stop both motors
/robot.cgi?S____ - channel 2/3 servos, e.g. S5050 to center both servos
/robot.cgi?s____ - channel 6/7 servos, e.g. s5050 to center both servos

/robot.cgi?$A__ - RCM analog read channel 01-08, 11-18, 21-28
/robot.cgi?l1 - lasers on
/robot.cgi?l0 - lasers off

/robot.cgi?a - 160x120 capture
/robot.cgi?b - 320x240 capture
/robot.cgi?c - 640x480 capture
/robot.cgi?d - 1280x1024 capture (OV9655 only)
/robot.cgi?qx - set jpeg quality 1-8 (1 is highest, 4 is default)

/robot.cgi?iraa - I2c commands

/robot.cgi?g0 - set frame differencing
/robot.cgi?g1 - enable color segmentation display
/robot.cgi?g2 - enable edge display
/robot.cgi?g3 - enable horizon detect display
/robot.cgi?g4 - enable obstacle detect display
/robot.cgi?g5 - enable stereo disparity display (SVS only)
/robot.cgi?g6 - enable blob detect display
/robot.cgi?gx - disable all special displays

/robot.cgi?va - enable/disable AGC / AWB / AEC camera controls
/robot.cgi?vb - find blobs matching color bin
/robot.cgi?vc - set color bin ranges
/robot.cgi?vm - mean colors
/robot.cgi?vp - sample individual pixel
/robot.cgi?vr - recall color bin ranges
/robot.cgi?vs - scan for edges
/robot.cgi?vt - set edge detect threshold (0000-9999, default is 3200)
/robot.cgi?vz - zero all color settings

last updated 23 March 2010 - 23:50 GMT